Celebrating Women’s Day With Ariel India At The Special Screening Of Captain Marvel

This Women’s Day was so special for both Salman and me as we together got an opportunity to be a part of a Special Screening of one of the most awaited movie – “Captain Marvel” on 8th March 2019. This movie also happens to be the first ever female-led superheroine film to be produced by Marvel Studios. We were invited by team Ariel India for this screening as they decided to yet again voice the importance of making “sharing of household responsibilities” a top priority. I personally feel that this was such a brilliant platform for Ariel India to share this message with both men and women through this woman empowering film which highlights the importance of being an unapologetic female and standing right up despite failing or life bringing us down.

I also loved the message of the film through Captain Marvel’s character played by Brie Larson and through the various female-oriented plot points like the importance of female friendships, hardships faced by women despite being at par with men or smartly tacking of issues like sexism even in today’s world. I felt this movie has such a great and strong message to the world which simply is – “It’s about time that men take us women seriously and treat us as equals”. I too as a woman have never felt the need to be treated special or to be given preference but from a young age, I was taught that I am not any less than a man and I was treated equally alongside my brother. But sadly, that’s not the case for a lot of women today, in our society, nation or world. Despite proving ourselves time and again that our place isn’t just in the kitchen, we are expected to manage the house, kids and kitchen while men go out there and work. This is exactly what Ariel India is trying to change with their thought-provoking digital video where they emphasize how important it is for men and boys to start sharing the load at home and shoulder responsibilities equally.

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During the interval of the film, we spotted this cool anti-gravity booth made by Ariel India which has a washer and a laundry basket and the whole idea was to make “Sharing the household chores” a reality even back here on EARTH. It was done up in such a unique way where if you turned the picture, it gives you a floating in space effect yet it delivers such a strong message for all the moms, sisters and fathers to start treating their daughters and sons equally and to instill this at a very young age the importance of equally sharing the load of laundry or other household chores. Once we were done clicking pics, they also gave us memorabilia of pictures clicked in the booth as a reminder to start taking this seriously. I still remember when I first shared the digital video by Ariel India on my wall, there were women who commented things like – only if my husband takes this seriously, I wish my brother sees this, etc and more. I have only one thing to say to all my lovely fellow ladies out there, we need to take an initiative and let the men in our lives and families know that dividing of responsibilities equally is what makes us stronger and better TOGETHER. Here’s to us girls!!! May we know strong women, be them, raise them and be surrounded by them.

Every day celebrate yourself as we deserve to be appreciated for juggling so many roles with so much ease. I would like to say a SPECIAL THANK YOU to Ariel India for making Women’s Day so special for me! As for Salman, I lucked out by getting a man who understands the importance of dividing responsibilities at home and at work and he believes in an EQUAL FUTURE!! Here’s to an equal future that we as women rightfully deserve.

So guys make sure to check out their website and support this initiative

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